EQ-i Assessment


What is it?

The EQ-i2.0 measures emotional intelligence – a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way. Developed by Multi-Health Systems Inc., a leading publisher of scientifically validated assessments for more than 30 years, the EQ-i2.0 is an effective way to examine your emotions and how you utilize them.

The EQ-i2.0 provides you with one overarching emotional intelligence score which is then broken down into composite scores from five scales: self-perception, self- expression, interpersonal, decision making, and stress management. The scales each contain three subscales to further explain the different factors of each person’s emotional intelligence.

While emotional intelligence isn’t the sole predictor of human performance and development potential, it has proven to be a key indicator of success, especially as leaders gain more responsibility in their organizations. The assessment can be taken more than once over the course of your career, as emotional intelligence changes over time and can be developed in targeted areas.

Targeted Areas


  • Self-Regard: Respecting oneself; confidence
  • Self-Actualization: Pursuit of meaning; self-improvement
  • Emotional Self-Awareness: Understanding one’s own emotions


  • Emotional Expression: Constructive expression of emotions
  • Assertiveness: Communicating feelings and beliefs in a non-offensive way
  • Independence: Self-directed; free from emotional dependency


  • Interpersonal Relationships: Mutually satisfying relationships
  • Empathy: Understanding and appreciating how others feel
  • Social Responsibility: Social consciousness; helpful


  • Problem Solving: Find solutions when emotions are involved
  • Reality Testing: Objective; seeing things as they really are
  • Impulse Control: The ability to resist or delay the impulse to act


  • Flexibility: Adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors to the current situation
  • Stress Tolerance: Coping with stressful situations
  • Optimism: Positive attitude and outlook on life

Each assessment includes a one-hour debrief with an Executive Coach.

Who is it for?

The EQ-i2.0 is for anyone 18 years and older who wants to learn more about their emotional intelligence. It is especially important for anyone in a leadership role because a leader’s ability to understand and their own emotions as well as their ability to “read” other people is critical for success.

What will I learn?

The EQ-i2.0 provides you with an overall emotional intelligence score as well as scores on each of the five scales and 15 subscales that make up the assessment. One of our Executive Coaches will review your results with you and help you understand how your results compare to a normative database of 4,000 people that is age and gender specific. Your score will also be compared to those of leaders whose EQ-i2.0 scores were in the top 50% of the leadership sample. If your score falls at or near the bottom of the leadership bar, you will know your emotional intelligence skills need further development in order to be on par with top leaders. Your EQ-i2.0 report provides you with detained information about what your score means as well as its impact on your leadership effectiveness and strategies for action.


includes digital report and 60 minutes consultation for $250


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